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Advertising Terms and Conditions
The following constitute Terms and Conditions for advertising with Player Matchups, LLC (PMLLC) on the POOLPLAYERMATCHUPS.COM website
(the PPMU site):
  1. Every corporate and non-corporate advertising entity ("ADVERTISER") seeking to purchase advertising space on internet website pages hosted at the domain POOLPLAYERMATCHUPS.COM must accept these Terms and Conditions.
  2. ADVERTISER can direct or "link" viewer traffic to its own website(s), thereby increasing sales and brand awareness. Contact PMLLC for availability, pricing and details.
  3. Advertising rates are to be pre-paid for the advertising term unless otherwise noted and all sales are final.
    1. You will be sent an invoice by email 5 (five) business days before the end of your current invoice term. The new invoice pricing and date terms are subject to change based on pricing and term length set forward by PMLLC.
    2. If you DO wish to continue advertising with PMLLC, you must submit the new invoice (that was submitted to you by email 5 (five) business days before the end of your current term), with payment, by the end of your current term.
    3. If you DO NOT wish to continue advertising with PMLLC, you may do so by not submitting the new invoice with payment and PMLLC will drop your advertisement at the end of your current term.
    4. If an invoice is unpaid after 5 (five) or more business days from issuance of the invoice, the advertisement associated with the invoice will be removed from the PPMU site, the invoice will become void, and any renewal for the advertisement on the invoice will be subject to issuance of a new invoice, potentially at a different price and date range.
  4. Payments for advertising are to be by check or an agreed upon electronic payment method (bank transfer, Dwolla, PayPal, etc.) unless other arrangements have been made with PMLLC.
  5. PMLLC will refuse the placement of Spyware on the PPMU site. A partial definition of Spyware is a software based trigger or program that monitors a computer’s usage, sends information about the computer usage to a remote computer or server, displays or causes to be displayed, an advertisement in response to the computer's usage without the knowledge or approval of the user.
  6. PMLLC reserves the right to review website(s) owned by ADVERTISER, or linked to by ADVERTISER, at any time, before or after ad placement, to determine whether they are deemed "site aggregators" and reserve the right to reject advertising that is deemed competitive or contrary to their best interests. Generally, a site aggregator is viewed as a site that acts as a portal/destination site containing content and advertising from multiple entities.
  7. Any ADVERTISER purchasing advertising space from PMLLC to appear on the PPMU site, must have either their company's registered URL or their legal name in at least one of the frames of the ad. Under no circumstances will advertising be accepted without such identification of ADVERTISER. ADVERTISER agrees to be responsible to third parties for the content of advertisements placed. In the event that PMLLC becomes liable to any third party as a result of an advertisement, ADVERTISER agrees to indemnify PMLLC for damages owed to the third party and for the fees and costs associated with the controversy.
  8. Advertising on the PPMU site is limited to consumer goods or services. PMLLC expressly prohibits political, religious, or sexually oriented advertisements. PMLLC does not accept online advertising for massage, escort services, astrology, (900) numbers, tobacco, NC-17 or X-rated movies, or any site deemed to contain pornographic material. PMLLC will not knowingly accept advertising for any book, motion picture or product involved in pending litigation or cause to be published any advertising content known to be, or suspected to be, in violation of copyright law.
  9. All advertising is subject to approval from PMLLC regarding subject matter, form-size, wording, illustrations, animation and typography. PMLLC reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel any advertisement at any time, before or after placement. All transactions are final and will not be eligible for reimbursement unless noted otherwise.
  10. PMLLC reserves the right to change, amend or eliminate advertising policies with 30 (thirty) days advance notice. Submitting an advertisement for publication or distribution represents agreement by ADVERTISER to abide by the above policies of PMLLC.
  11. The situs of this agreement is Lincoln, Nebraska and any and all controversies for advertising with PMLLC shall be held before a court of competent jurisdiction in Lincoln, Nebraska.